Meeting Schedule
Annual Meeting: Wednesday, March 5
Committee Meetings
Click here to access more information on ACBA YLD's committees and their meeting schedules.
The Annual Meeting includes a recap of the bar year from the chair and plans from the chair-elect for the year ahead.
In addition, individuals running for officers will outline their goals and objectives. Finally, the Outstanding Young Lawyer Award is also presented. Click here for more.
“To empower our members; promote a just, accessible, and inclusive judicial system; and serve the community at large.”
Mission Statement

Donate to the YLD Fund
The cost of law school tuition has increased by more than 400 percent since 1985. In response to the ever-rising cost of law school tuition and the student debt crisis facing today’s law students, the Allegheny County Bar Association Young Lawyers Division (YLD) established the YLD Scholarship Fund to help defray the costs of attending law school for current law students.