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YLD Committees



Co-Chair: Diana Bruce 


Co-Chair: Kerven Moon

The Communications Committee promotes involvement with the YLD by advertising upcoming events and programs through a weekly email called, “YLD Sidebar,” and through the YLD's social media outlets. Additionally, the Committee publishes an ABA award-winning newsletter, Point of Law, which includes substantive legal articles from YLD members and colleagues from the legal community, and highlights YLD activities. Finally, the Committee periodically conducts surveys to help the YLD best serve the interests of its members.



Coordinates: Point of Law Newsletter, YLD Sidebar, Member Surveys and Social Media.


Meeting Time: First Wednesday of the Month at Noon



Co-Chair: Timur Dikec

In 2008, the YLD formed the Diversity Committee to address its concerns regarding the lack of diversity in the profession and ACBA. Through social events, educational events and mentoring, the Committee works independently and in conjunction with the other minority focused committees to increase and retain young minority involvement in the ACBA. The YLD Diversity Committee’s keynote event is the annual Diverse Law Student Reception, which is in the fall of each year. At the Diverse Law Student Reception, diverse law students from the local law schools are invited to attend to learn more about the ACBA and to network with the diverse attorneys of the Bar.



Coordinates: Diverse Student Leadership Initiative, Mentorship, LGBT Rights Workshop and a focus on diversity in all YLD Programs.​


Meeting Time: Third Thursday of the Month at Noon


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Co-Chair: Matthew DeMaio


Co-Chair: Samantha Dorn

Co-Chair: Adam Garret

The Education Committee provides YLD members with educational programs, including CLEs and lunch -and-learn seminars, focusing on practical legal skills, mentoring from seasoned attorneys, and other topics relevant to young lawyers’ success.



Coordinates: Lunch with the Judges Series, Lunch and Learn Seminars, CLEs on Legal Skills for Young Lawyers, Bench Bar CLE​


Meeting Time: Second Wednesday of the Month at Noon

Law Student

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Founding Co-Chair:

Jamie Drennen


Founding Co-Chair:

Taylor Gillan

Created in 2024, the YLD Law Student Committee’s mission is to provide a safe space for law student members to network with other law students and ACBA members.  The ACBA recognizes the importance of investing in the next generation of professionals within our community and in doing so, has provided law students with access to our resources, networks, and boundless opportunities, fostering their growth and development, ultimately enriching the future of the industry. 


In addition to program development, the Law Student committee creates events specifically tailored to the law students’ needs, fostering a supportive and inclusive community.  Along with access to the ACBA master calendar of events and bi-monthly digital versions of the Lawyers Journal, the YLD Law Student Committee arranges discussion forums on campus, offers a variety of  professional development and networking opportunities, including skill-building, mentorship, and career advancement, and continuously adds relevant content to the new “law student” tab that resides on the ACBA’s home webpage that effectively establishes information crucial for recruiting new members, retaining engagement, and growing participation within the YLD Community.  



Coordinates: Passing the Bar Bash, All-Member Happy Hours, Law Student Career Receptions, Summer Clerkship Program​


Meeting Time: Fourth Tuesday of every month

Member Services


Co-Chair: Michael Bethune


Co-Chair: Connor Sease


Co-Chair: Paige Tamecki

The goal of the Member Services Committee is to offer the young lawyer various social and networking opportunities. These events allow young lawyers to meet other young lawyers and professionals in informal settings.



Coordinates: Happy Hours, Events with Judges, Annual Holiday Party, Esquire Open​


Meeting Time: Third Wednesday of the Month at Noon

Public Service


Co-Chair: Hannah Barnett


Co-Chair: McCall Chafin


Co-Chair: Devyn Lisi

The goal of the Public Service Committee is to serve the Allegheny County community through a variety of programs, projects, and initiatives while giving young lawyers an opportunity to network and supplement their legal practice. The legal programs offered by the committee range from providing written legal support, to full personal presentations on the specific legal issues faced by the audience – i.e. high school seniors, and senior citizens. The public service projects undertaken by the committee are for the benefit of children, military veterans, emergency service personnel, the homeless, and senior citizens. One of the committee’s benchmark projects is a massive gift drive and holiday party for children in public assistance shelters or programs. The overall purpose of the committee is to give young lawyers the opportunity to reach out to the public and not only provide a much-needed service, but promote a positive image of lawyers and the profession in the community.



Coordinates: Wills for Heroes, VIP (Very Important Papers), Children's Gift Drive and Holiday Party, Stepping Out, Fairy Tale Mock Trials, Strike Out Hunger, Lawyers and Littles, MVP (Military and Veterans Project)​


Meeting Time: Third Tuesday of the Month at Noon

Allegheny County Bar Association, 436 7th Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  |  |  Tel: 412-261-6161

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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