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YLD Public Service

Your Vote is Your Voice: Allegheny County Voting Guide


Backpack Project

YLD distributes backpacks to children in need.


Children's Gift Drive and Holiday Party

YLD collects gifts from local attorneys and distributes them to children in local shelters.


Fairy Tale Mock Trial
The YLD Public Service Committee holds the Fairytale Mock Trials event annually.  Children in the community served as jurors who decided if Gold E. Locks was innocent or guilty of trespassing and breaking and entering at the residence of the Three Bears.  The trial will was entirely scripted, with costumes and props.


MVP (Military and Veteran's Project)

Sends care packages to deployed military service members.


Strike Out Hunger

Annual bowling events that raises money for Attorneys Against Hunger.


YLD Scholarship Fund
In response to the ever-rising cost of law school tuition and the student debt crisis facing today’s law students, the Allegheny County Bar Association Young Lawyers’ Division (YLD) established the YLD Scholarship Fund to help defray the costs of attending law school for current law students. The YLD Scholarship Fund will provide scholarships to law students who anticipate practicing in Allegheny County after graduation.


Wills for Heroes
Provides free basic estate planning documents and assistance to first responders and military veterans in Pennsylvania.


For more information on YLD Public Service, contact Mary Ann Fiorilli at

Allegheny County Bar Association, 436 7th Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  |  |  Tel: 412-261-6161

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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